How to Lunch MsWord on Windows Computer

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Lunching MsWord on Windows XP
Lunching Microsoft Word on a windows computer is very easy; be it your computer or someone else system. As long as the computer is logged on (i.e the computer is not on password), follow this below steps

1. Take your mouse to the start button at the left hand side on the desktop screen and left click.

2. Click on All Programs


3.    Put on mouse on Microsoft office and another popup will come out. Then look for Microsoft office word and click it. Microsoft Word will Open and You'll be able to create or open a document.

N.B: The above steps can be used to open any software in the Microsoft office Suite which include MsAccess, MsExcel, MsOnenote, MsPowerpoint, MsPublisher... e.t.c

Lunching MsWord on Windows7

To open MsWord or any Microsoft Suite software on Windows7, follow the below steps.

1. Take your mouse to the start button at the left hand side on the desktop screen and left click.

2. Left Click on All Programs

3.  Look for Microsoft office folder and left click on it

4. The Microsoft Office software will open, click on anyone to open it.

The above method it strictly  met for beginners. A faster method is below when using Windows7 Operating system.

When you click on the windows start button, just type in the name of the software you want to open and click on it like the image below.

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