Easy way to convert Word, PDF, Image, Web and Excel Documents

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We all know how annoying it is when we are sent a Word document and we open it in Adobe, or if we are sent a PDF document and we try to open it in Word, and all you get is a jumbled mash of pictures, a messed up layout and sometimes a completely different language. It is simply a pain to try and convert every single document into another format simply so that we can read its contents in the manner in which it is meant to be read. There are so many online tools that offer this services but believe me,  all they are after is to have access to your email address, take you as a customer and not to help you.
So many might request for money before they will render this service but docs.zone will offer it even if they will request for money, you'll still be able to convert for free by following the below steps.
Visit docs.zone
docs.zone screen capture
See the area marked red in the above screenshot. Locate that  part when your browser opens and select your desired conversion link.

How to continue converting after exceeding your free trial...

What docs.com does immediate you visit the website is to track you. So in order to continue using their service freely, you have to permit the website to track you first, disconnect it (not closing your browser) and continue. This below image will pop - up after you might have exceeded the  limit of free conversion.
After seeing the above image, close it. On your keyboard, press ctrl + shift + delete (on mozilla, google chrome or internet explorer) and clear all browsing history including all cookies.
keyboard short-cut
Now open a new tab on your browser (ctrl + T) and visit docs.zone to convert freely. Repeat the clearing steps as long as you still want to convert freely.

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